Strategic Plan
To advance quality of life through teaching, research, and extension in biological and agricultural engineering (BAE).
To be a premier BAE department with programs known for excellence:
- In research, teaching, and extension, aiming to solve challenging problems in agriculture, biotechnology, coast, and energy.
- In preparing students to be leaders in their careers.
- COLLABORATIVE PARTNERSHIP: With university and non-university (industry, community, government, non-profit) entities.
- EDUCATION: High-quality and supportive instruction and engineering education, leading to successful careers for graduates in a dynamic world.
- RESEARCH and EXTENSION: Cutting-edge research, extension, and engagement to benefit citizens of Louisiana, the nation, and the world.
- PEOPLE and COMMUNITY: Constituents (students, faculty, staff, alumni) who are innovative, curious, engaged, and who support their communities personally and professionally.
- Conduct interdisciplinary research and design in the fields of agriculture, biotechnology,
coast, and energy, aiming to positively impact the bio-based economy and human wellness
as well as coastal/community sustainability and resilience.
- Maximize research and design capabilities of the department and collaborate with internal and external partners to maximize societal impact.
- Translate research/design from laboratory and theory to application (through extension, community engagement, the LSU and LSU AgCenter technology transfer offices, etc.).
- Modernize facilities, equipment, and infrastructure to ensure that they are commensurate with our high-quality, cutting-edge research, extension, and teaching activities.
- Provide high-quality instruction and student support in the BS, MS, and PhD programs.
- Maintain accreditation for undergraduate program and all SACSCOC accreditation requirements for BAE.
- Increase the quality and range of course offerings to further expand our MS and PhD programs.
- Maintain balance in teaching loads with regard to enrollment, with a target student-to-faculty ratio of 24:1 or less.
- Enrich the student experience with high-impact practices.
- Encourage students to enroll in enhanced curricular programs (Distinguished Communicator, Engaged Citizen, Distinguished Undergraduate Research, Honors College) and support them as faculty advisors.
- Build supportive connections of current students with industry or academic mentors to help prepare them for internships/jobs or further education after graduation.
- Seek external support for departmental activities.
- Increase the number and amount of BAE scholarships, with a target scholarship endowment of $1M.
- Seek donor support of BAE activities in conjunction with College and AgCenter development staff.
- Engage the Advisory Council to build and support a sustainable donor network, and
to ensure that our course offerings and programs match industrial needs.