Main Office
B-31 Coates
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Shell Tutorial Center
141B LSU Library

Fall & Spring Hours:
M-Th: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
F: 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Sunday: 1 p.m.- 5 p.m.

Summer Hours:
M-F: 12 p.m. – 4 p.m.


Student Services


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Supplemental Instruction

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Academic Intervention Team

CAS Newsletter


Faculty Partners

The Center for Academic Success is proud of its faculty partners and academic colleges that contribute to student success at LSU. Faculty Partners serve in an advisory capacity for CAS programs, services and discipline-specific content. They also serve as liaisons between the CAS, their departments and colleges to ensure regular, timely and mutually beneficial communications and feedback. Partners work with student and faculty development activities to assist with the mission of the university to “challenge undergraduate and graduate students to achieve the highest levels of intellectual and personal development.”

Headshot of Elzbieta Cook

Elzbieta Cook, Ph.D.

Courses Taught: 

CHEM 1201,1202, 1421, 1422


Cook earned her Ph.D. at the University of Calgary, Canada.

Why Teach?

"Teaching is important to ensure the next generation has a solid foundation in science."

Why Partner with CAS?

“Being a faculty partner allows [educators] to use one’s experiences and creative input to impact the direction of the offerings and initiatives taken by the CAS."

Headshot of Janice Holmes

Janice Holmes

Courses Taught:

ACCT 2001, 3001


Holmes earned her MS with a concentration in financial accounting from Louisiana State University.

Why Teach?

"Accounting is known as the language of business. Most of my students in my intro accounting course have never been exposed to the terminology and methods of accounting. I love teaching them the new terms and the system of accounting. It opens their eyes to think differently about how businesses are operated and assessed in the market."

Why Partner with CAS?

"CAS resources are tremendous for our students, especially our first year students. Being a faculty partner allows me to keep current with what resources are available to our students and use that knowledge to advise students who may benefit. I’ve been involved with Supplemental Instruction for many years and I’ve seen the benefit that my students receive from it."


Headshot of Daniel Keniston

Daniel Keniston

Courses Taught:

ECON 2000, 7703


Keniston earned his Ph.D. in economics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Why Teach?

"One of the main responsibilities of academics is the ensure that the knowledge gained through our research is put to work to help people make better choices, increase their skills, and generally make the world a better place. Teaching is absolutely essential to accomplish this. Plus, it’s fun!"

Why Partner with CAS?

"LSU students have fantastic spirit and great potential. But they don’t all come in with the same background. Working with CAS helps to ensure that all students have the tools and help they need to succeed."

Headshot of Julia Ledet

Julia Ledet, Ph.D.

Courses Taught:

MATH 1029, 1552. Assists with MATH 7001, 7002.


Ledet earned her Ph.D. in science and mathematics education from Southern University.

Why Teach?

“When you look at mathematical concepts, properties and facts without seeing the whole picture, the individual pieces seem meaningless as to why a person should master this. I enjoy helping students discover the connections between the puzzle pieces of mathematics.”

Why Partner with CAS?

"Partnering with CAS gives faculty members the opportunity to learn about services available to students across campus and gives faculty a way to impact those services in a positive and productive way."


Headshot of Adam Melvin

Adam Melvin

Courses Taught:

CHE 2171, 3104, 3900, 3901, 3910, 4162, 4260, 7700 and HNRS 4000


Melvin earned his Ph.D. in chemical engineering at North Carolina State University.

Why Teach?

"One of the major reasons I became a professors was for the opportunity to interact with, engage, and educate the students. I have a passion for teaching and love getting to know all of the students and watching them develop during their time at LSU. I’m excited that I get to work with students in so many different areas such as in the classroom, in my lab, during outreach activities, as undergraduate graders, and just hanging out in my office."

Why Partner with CAS?

"The modern student has so many resources at their disposal, but also so many new challenges and distractions. The resources and training that CAS offers to LSU students helps to better prepare them to succeed inside and outside of the classroom. I have been developing resources on my own during my time at LSU and am excited to partner with CAS to continue to develop these resources and to learn more about how I can best help LSU students."

Headshot of Steven Pomarico

Steven Pomarico, Ph.D.

Courses Taught:

BIOL 1002, 1202


Pomarico earned his Ph.D. in biochemistry from LSU.

Why Teach?

Pomarico said it's often challenging trying to convey material in ways that are both informative and show students how biology can be important to them, but is also one of the reasons why he loves teaching.

Why Partner with CAS?

Pomarico said he has used the Supplemental Instruction resource in his classes for years and becoming a partner was a natural next step. “CAS has something to offer for every faculty member. It may not always be the same for all faculty, but everyone should at least explore what CAS can do to help their students succeed,” Pomarico said.

Headshot of Heather Rackin

Heather Rackin

Courses Taught:

SOCL 2201, 4401


Rackin earned her Ph.D. in sociology at Duke University.

Why Teach?

“I enjoy giving students the tools to evaluate evidence that allow them to make thoughtful decisions,” Rackin said.

Why Partner with CAS?

Rackin said the CAS gives her students the resources they need to grasp the material in her courses and recommends that other faculty members join as partners to help their students succeed.