Frequently Asked Questions
The Faculty Senate is a major institutional component of shared governance at LSU. It is an elected body representing the Faculty Council in the colleges and schools of LSU. This body represents the interests of the Faculty Council on academic matters such as educational policy, faculty policies, standards of instruction and curricula and degree requirements.
The Faculty Senate Executive Committee consists of 7 elected officers: a President, a Past President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and 3 Members-at-Large. The elected term for President is two years. Other elected officers of the Senate is one year. The Executive Committee implements policy as directed by the Senate. In addition, it represents the Senate in dealing with the University officials and others, assists the President in the execution of official duties, prepares agenda for Senate meetings and appoints nonelected members of Senate committees.
The Faculty Council consists of all full-time members of the academic staff having the rank of instructor or higher, or equivalent rank, and members of the Executive Council. The Council is charged to establish curricula, fix standards of instruction, determine requirements for degrees and generally determine educational policy for the University, subject to the Board of Supervisors.
The Faculty Senate President is the face and leadership of the Faculty Senate Committee and the Faculty Senate body. They are the presiding officer at meetings of the Faculty Senate and is the official representative from the Faculty Senate to the University administration, other governing bodies and the public.
Please email regarding any concerns.
To make public comments for a Faculty Senate meeting, you must be registered at least one hour to the meeting by emailing or call 225-578-5248. When registering, individuals should identify themselves, the group they are representing, if appropriate, and then the topic on which they would like to comment. In order to ensure that the meeting is conducted in an efficient manner, each individual will be limited to 3 minutes for their public comments, and the President reserves the right to limit the total number of public comments if necessary.
Those members of the Faculty Council that are considering joining the Faculty Senate are elected by their representative college or school faculties. Election of members is usually conducted during the month of April each year. For more information, contact your college or school or or call 225-578-5248.
The term of a member of the Faculty Senate is 3 years. Terms of office begin on the first regular class day of the fall semester.
The LSU Ombuds Office is a confidential, impartial, independent and informal process for faculty, staff, administration, and students to seek assistance and guidance to resolve barriers to productivity and to increase the quality of their experience at LSU. The Ombudsperson listens to concerns, promotes awareness and training and identifies trends or practices to senior management for systemic change or issue prevention.
In order to be reimbursed on any University approved travel, you must use the travel agency, Christopherson Business Travel (CBT). The Employee Spend Authorization form and any other travel forms will need to be completed. Visit the LSU AP & Travel website for more information.