Title IX Mandated Reporter Guide

All employees, with few exceptions, are required to report instances of Sexual Misconduct. If a student or colleague discloses to you that they have been a victim, if you witness the misconduct, or if you have knowledge of sexual misconduct happening to or affecting an LSU student or employee, you must report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator. If you have knowledge and do not report, you may be terminated.

Examples of Mandated Reporters:

  • Faculty
  • Deans
  • Instructors
  • Residential Advisors
  • Coaches
  • Graduate Teaching Assistants
  • Administrative and Professional Staff

Mandatory Reporter Guide

  • Mental health counselors
  • Staff operating in a Student Health Center capacity at the time of report
  • Staff providing services through a psychological services or other HIPAA protected center acting within the scope of their licensure at the time of the report
  • Clergy acting within the scope of their credentials at the time of the report
  • Designated Staff who receive annual training and are specifically listed on the website

Note, these confidential sources must still report non-identifiable data consistent with the Clery Act’s requirements.

  • Discrimination based on sex
  • Sexual harassment
  • Dating and domestic interpersonal violence
  • Sexual assault
  • Stalking
  • Retaliation

Any form of violence intended to control or intimidate another person by asserting power over the person. Any type of sexual misconduct is power-based violence.

  • To ensure the individual has access to all available resources and interim support options
  • To ensure the individual understands their rights and reporting options
  • To enhance campus safety
  • To comply with Title IX and other federal regulations

Reports to the Title IX Coordinator can be made online, on LSU Mobile (look for the “Survivor Support icon), via phone (225-578-9000), or in person at 118 Himes Hall. A link to the Title IX page on all LSU campuses may be found on the LSU Title IX Coordinator page.

**Reporting to OCR & TIX is not the same as filing a formal complaint and it does not automatically prompt a formal investigation. In very limited circumstances, a Title IX Coordinator may file a Formal Complaint when the Complainant decides not to do so if it is determined that the allegations present a risk of substantial harm to the community.

The following are exceptions to the Mandatory Reporter reporting requirement:

  • Information disclosed at public awareness events (e.g.: Take Back the Night, candlelight vigils, protests, speak outs), or other public forums in which individuals may disclose incidents of prohibited conduct as part of educating others
  • Disclosures made in the course of academic work product consistent with the assignment (ex. Public speaking class, creative writing assignment, group work)
  • Overhearing a conversation in which you were not involved

In these cases, the employee is encouraged to contact the person who disclosed to check in, acknowledge what was said, and offer help obtaining supportive measures and/or in filing a report. The faculty member is encouraged to provide the person with the Title IX Coordinator’s contact information.

  • Listen and provide support

    • Listen empathetically with no judgment. Listen with the goal of helping the person to the next steps of help and/or healing. Listen for safety concerns and contact emergency resources if necessary (call 911 or contact LSUPD: 225-578-3231 ). As early as allows, inform the person of your obligation to share the information with university officials; if possible, offer them an opportunity to instead talk to a confidential resource if they would prefer it.

    • Acknowledge that what you hear likely meets criteria for sexual misconduct. 

    • Inform the person of your responsibility to share the information with the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX. Emphasize that they are still in the driver’s seat, that reporting the incident is not the same as making formal complaint or requesting an investigation, and that OCR & TIX protects privacy and only shares information on a strictly need-to-know basis. It may be helpful to mention that members of the LSU community are protected from retaliation at LSU. LSU prohibits retaliation toward individuals involved in any aspect of a reported incident.

  • Refer to supportive resources: When in doubt, good places to start are the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX & Lighthouse Program.

  • Report to the Office of the Title IX Coordinator

    • As soon as the situation allows, report all information to the Office of Title IX Coordinator.

    • When reporting an incident, include your name, job title, contact information, and all information about the incident or concern. You must include the known names of the individuals involved even if they request to remain anonymous.

  • The TIX Coordinator or Case Manager contacts the person who experienced or disclosed the incident and offers to meet to provide resources and support. During the initial meeting with our office, the person is free to share as much or as little about their experiences as they feel comfortable.
  • OCR & TIX Staff treat all disclosed information seriously and with sensitivity and compassion. The person is informed about the confidential resources available on and off campus, and how to access them. (See resource list.)
  • Title IX Staff provide information and options. Supportive interim measures and accommodations are reviewed and offered to ensure that all members of the community have access to the academic, residential, and extracurricular opportunities at LSU. Some examples of supportive measures on campus are:
    • Mental or physical health services for students
    • Academic arrangements or adjustments
    • Modifications of work or class schedules
    • Mutual restrictions on contact between the parties
    • Changes in work, housing, or academic locations
    • Leaves of absence
    • Increased security and monitoring of certain areas of campus
  • Title IX Staff help the person understand their next steps based on their unique circumstances. This may include filing a formal complaint with the university, reporting to law enforcement, or taking no action. A Formal Complaint may be filed with the Title IX Coordinator at any time; there is no time limitation on doing so.