Zeiss Light Sheet 7

Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM) is an extremely powerful alternative to established fluorescence imaging techniques, especially for 3-D imaging within whole live organisms and large tissue explants. Ideal for fast and gentle imaging of whole living model organisms, tissues, and cells as they develop – over extended periods of time capable of imaging large optically cleared specimens in toto – with subcellular resolution. By selectively illuminating the observed optical section with a thin sheet of light, photo bleaching is reduced to a minimum, making light sheet microscopy ideal for nondestructive imaging of fragile samples over extended periods of time. Equipped with an incubation system with temperature and CO2 control for long-term in vivo experiments. 

Available Objectives: 

Magnification Objestive Type Description NA Immersion WD (mm)
2.5 Fluar 2.5x 0.12 Clearing 8.7
5 EC Plan-Neofluar 5x 0.16 foc Water/Clearing 18.5
5 EC Plan-Neofluar 5x 0.16 Clearing 18.5
10 W Plan-Apochromat 10x 0.50 Water 3.7
20 W Plan-Apochromat 20x 1.00 Water 2.4
20 Clr Plan-Neofluar 20x 1.00 Clearing 6.4


Lasers lines wavelengths (nm): 
405, 445, 488, 514, 561, 638 


Two liquid cooled sCMOS cameras, pco.EDGE 

Filter Sets: 

Fluorochromes Mirror Filter 1 (nm) Filter 2 (nm)
DAPI/GFP  SBS LP 490 BP 420-470 (DAPI)  BP 505-545 (GFP) 
DAPI/RFP  SBS LP 510  BP 420-470 (DAPI) BP 575-615 (RFP)
GFP/mCherry  SBS LP 560 BP 505-545 (GFP) LP 585 (mCherry) 
GFP/ Draq5(toto3)  SBS LP 560  BP 505-545 (GFP) LP 660 (Draq5(toto3))
RFP/ Draq5(toto3)  SBS LP 640  BP 575-615 (RFP) LP 660 (Draq5(toto3))


Available Capillary Tubes 
Red =  0.68 mm 
Black  =  1.00 mm 
Green  =  1.50 mm 
Blue  =  2.15 mm