
Communications with the Ombuds

Communications with the Ombuds are confidential to the extent permissible by law and are considered off-the-record. Due to the confidential, neutral, informal and independent function of the Ombuds Office, communication with this office does not constitute notice to LSU.

The LSU University Ombuds Office is a LSU designated confidential space, and, as such, the Ombuds is NOT a mandatory reporter under LSU policies including, but not limited to PM 73; Titles II, VI, VII, IX; and PM 55.

Communications are Voluntary - No Retaliation

Working with the University Ombuds Office is voluntary. LSU faculty, staff, medical residents, and students may consult with the Ombuds confidentially and without retaliation. Furthermore, since the Ombuds process is completely voluntary, individuals will not be retaliated against for choosing to not consult with the Ombuds.

Email and Voice Mail Communications are Subject to Public Records Requests

Telephone, Zoom, or In-Person meetings are most effective, and the Ombuds Office offers a confidential place in which to meet. The Ombuds will schedule a meeting with you at a time that works best with your schedule, and extended hours are offered to accommodate different shifts. To protect your privacy, limit messages to contact information and scheduling dates/times.

Communication Records

Since the University Ombuds Office is a confidential resource, no permanent records are kept on its matters. Any notes related to a specific matter are used as a temporary memory aid and to help informally manage the conflict. Notes on open matters are kept in the sole possession of the Ombuds, maintained in a secure manner and location, and destroyed once a matter is closed.

The University Ombuds Office does keep track of general statistical patterns and brings concerns to the attention of those with the authority to make institutional improvements. This data may signal emerging issues, indicate new trends, highlight vulnerable groups of employees, or suggest areas of improvement. The data collection never includes details that could identify any confidential information.