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September 2022

Scholarship First Agenda

September 30, 2022 - A video message from Provost Haggerty

Provost Roy Haggerty speaking at the Summer Leadership Institute

Provost Haggerty's video message provides an update on his strategies to advance the Scholarship First agenda in four ways: 1) growing our research and creative activities, 2) fundraising and revenue growth, 3) student success and 4) faculty success. 

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Connect with Provost Haggerty on LinkedIn

Faculty Engagement, Development & Resources

Elements In-Person and Virtual Trainings Available!

In-person and virtual trainings are being offered to transition faculty to LSU's new faculty information system, Elements. Faculty will need to be acquainted with Elements prior to January 2023. Click here to register to attend one of the training courses available in October. 

LSU's Colloquium Keynote Speaker José Bowen

José Bowen

In January, LSU will welcome José Bowen as our 2023 Colloquium keynote speaker. In anticipation of his keynote presentation, the Learning & Teaching Collaborative will host a book study to explore and discuss his most recent book Teaching Change: How to Develop Independent Thinkers Using Relationships, Resilience, and Reflection. Teaching Change examines the new 3R’s of teaching and how it can better prepare graduates for the future. To learn more about José Bowen’s visit to LSU and to join the book study, click here.  

New Faculty Resources

Visit the New Faculty Resources webpage to learn more about the Learning & Teaching Collaborative, Faculty Technology Center, Information Technology, Communication across the Curriculum, LSU Online Design & Development and LSU Libraries - all of which provide support to all LSU faculty.  

Watch Recorded Version - Provost's Fund: Faculty Research Grants Program

Video Thumbnail of Town HallThe Provost’s Fund for Innovation in Research is intended to provide seed funding for new research projects and resources for major planning grants. There are two seed funding programs: Emerging Research Grants and Big Idea Research Grants. Faculty may participate as principal investigators in only one seed grant proposal per funding year. A recorded version of the town hall featuring Provost Roy Haggerty, Vice President of Research & Economic Development Sam Bentley and the ORED team can be found here

Open Education Resources Material

Are you thinking about which textbooks you want to use for the spring semester? Try Open Education Resources and Affordable Education Resources. These resources offer textbook affordability at low- to no-cost textbooks and interactive content. 

Institutional Updates

LSU Receives Elite Cyber Designation from the National Security Agency

NSA and LSU logosThe National Security Agency, or NSA, the nation’s preeminent cybersecurity agency, has designated LSU as a Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Operations, or CAE-CO. LSU joins only 21 other universities and colleges in the U.S. with the designation, which is reserved for institutions capable of educating high-performing students and advancing operational technologies and techniques critical to intelligence, military and law enforcement organizations. Read the full press release here. 

Student Mobility Initiative in Africa

LSU logo in Africa image

LSU is set to lead a student mobility initiative in Africa with eight other SEC institutions. This initiative is the first of its kind to be launched in the U.S. and will primarily focus on recruitment in Ghana and Senegal. This trip will take place from Oct. 21-30 and is spearheaded by Samba Dieng, LSU’s senior internationalization officer and executive director of international programs.


Innovation Series - Higher Ed Today: A Learner’s Market 

LSU Online & Continuing Education’s upcoming Innovation Series Event - "Higher Ed Today: A Learner’s Market" is on Wednesday, Nov. 9, at the Lod Cook Alumni Center from 9-11:30 a.m. Provost Roy Haggerty will be the keynote speaker and sessions will be facilitated by Advance 360 Education and RNL. To register to attend the Innovation Series Event, click here. 

ACE Internationalization Lab Update

LSU has recently completed the institutional self-assessment phase of the ACE Internationalization Lab,[BROKEN LINK] engaging over 2,000 members of the campus community. As the lab’s subcommittees review this data, they will report key findings and submit recommendations to the lab’s leadership team. These reports will culminate in the creation of a global strategy document, which is set to be published in spring 2023. This two-year global strategic planning process involved faculty and staff from all sectors of the university.

LSU Dual Enrollment Program Sets Record for Enrollments

The LSU Dual Enrollment (DE) Program offers qualified high school students the opportunity to take LSU classes while remaining in their high school classrooms. Administered by the Gordon A. Cain Center, it has now grown to offer 22 courses in 81 high schools with record-setting enrollments. This fall, 3,048 unique students are participating in the program (+17 percent over last fall). Course enrollments increased to 4,047 (+24 percent over last fall) with another 4,000+ course enrollments expected in the spring, resulting in over 24,000 student credit hours this academic year. 

Managing Adult Health and Child Behavior Post-Pandemic Webinar Series

Behavioral Health Post-Pandemic - images of parents and children in distress

The Pregnancy & Parenting Program is excited to announce its fall webinar series, Behavioral Health Post-Pandemic. The series will take attendees through the health observations physicians and professional experts are seeing with adults and children post-pandemic. Topics will include: effects on pregnant women and postpartum mothers, behavioral and development issues clinicians observe in pediatric patients and a general overview of mental and behavioral health moving forward. Click here to view the schedule of webinars and to register. 

Dean Search Advisory Committees 

Search Advisory Committees have been established for the dean searches available for the College of Music & Dramatic Arts and the Paul M. Hebert Law Center dean searches. 

College of Music & Dramatic Arts

Paul M. Hebert Law Center